And this one comes with TWO heavyweight satin cloths that you can use with your other effects!
Wrap a half dollar coin in one of the cloths and hand it to your spectator to hold.Take the penny, and place it in the other cloth, holding it so that it can be seen peeking out of the cloth.Quickly cover and uncover the penny- it's still a penny.Quickly cover and uncover the penny again-It has changed to the half dollar!
Now your spectator has been tightly gripping the half dollar in HIS cloth the whole time.So if the half dollar is now in your hand, what is in the spectator's hand?You tell him that he is now holding the penny.He will say no, the coin he is holding is too large to be the penny.But when he opens his cloth, the coin he is holding is an ENGLISH penny!
This trick comes with ONLINE INSTRUCTIONS only (no printed instructions), filmed by Monticup himself.See his exact handling, learn his tips, and watch his routine!
The two cloths that come with this trick are ungimmicked satin-finish opaque cloths.They are heavier weight than regular silks, and you can't see through them.They are perfect for use when you need a cloth that will cover your effect while you do the "magic", like the Bandit Ball.
This trick requires your own half dollar coin and your own regular penny coin.If you need a half dollar, you can buy one from
You supply a regular US half dollar coin.You supply a regular US penny coin.
We provide the instructions for this trick via an ONLINE VIDEO.There are NO printed instructions.The video instructions can be accessed above- look under the main demo video for the WATCH link.The password to the video will be printed on a card shipped with this trick.The video AND password will also be linked from the Order Confirmation emailed to you.