This is the LARGE deluxe version!Don't compare this to the tiny size sold elsewhere- this one is BIG!Meant to be performed for a crowd!
Perfect for a talent show!
Drop the clear plastic glass through the tube to prove that it's empty.Next, pour some water (or any liquid) into the tube.The water stays suspended inside the tube- it doesn't come out from the bottom, as you would expect!
Push the clear plastic glass through the tube again- the glass is now filled with the water!
This is a great trick for presenting in front of a group.It is not meant to perform if your spectators are positioned right next to you.Do this one in a classroom or in front of an audience.
This effect uses real liquid, so be aware that there might be some spilling (as you see in the demo).
You supply an ordinary silk, and a wand (if you want to pass the silk through the tube as seen in the video).You supply the liquid.You may want to use a measuring cup or other cup to help pour the water.
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