POP! Colorful paper spring flowers that fold flat, and INSTANTLY spring into a puffy bouquet when released! ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY NO SKILL REQUIRED!
If you can pull the packet of flowers by the string, you can do the trick!
THIS IS A BOUQUET OF REUSEABLE PAPER FLOWERS. It makes a bouquet about the size of a large hand.We also carry a LARGER bouquet of paper flowers.
The Spring Flowers bouquet is made of individual blossoms, tied together to make a bouquet. You can, of course, untie them and use them as individual little popup blossoms if you wish. Tying them together makes them look like one big puffy bouquet.
Each blossom is constructed on a spring, so it pops open automatically when it is released. When fully expanded, the whole bouquet is very colorful!
These flowers can be easily folded back up, and used over and over and over again!
The effect is that they appear from nowhere, apparently from an object that is smaller than the bouquet. Can be hidden in a production box, a book, up your sleeve, etc.
Flowers are individual, made of paper on a metal spring.Each flower has a string, and the strings can be tied together to make a bouquet.
For a really full bouquet, get TWO sets of flowers and tie the strings of all the flowers together. Fold the flowers and stack them on top of each other. When released they will pop out into a fuller bouquet.
Bautier deKolta introduced the concept of using spring flowers in the late 1800s.
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