Make some noise with this classic pocket whistle!
This is a very recognizable siren whistle sound.It is the classic design originally patented in the late 1800s.A favorite of vaudeville and slapstick comedians, this whistle still has an immediate comedy effect.
Get your audience's attention at the start of your show!
Take a break from your trick to "blow your nose". Kids think it's hilarious!
Blow the whistle every time your onstage assistant (a volunteer from the audience) does a certain action, like if he turns around. Makes a great comedy routine.
There is no limit to the fun you can have with this! And it is so simple to use. Just blow into it!This could be your best comedy prop!
And that's all you need!Whistle is made of plastic.Measures about 3" long.
This video was filmed in 2020, which is why we are wearing the protective face shields!Happily, shields are no longer a requirement, and we plan to film the demo over again without them.We like this demo so much, though, that we are leaving it "as is" for now. Hope you enjoy it!
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