FROM OUR ODDS AND ENDS SECTION!When we buy magic collections, we often find other interesting stuff.These are items that may not be magic tricks or props, but they are items certainly worth offering to you!
Pack sold for $13.99 on Amazon, where this brand is now sold out!You will get 190 individual tees.Each is about 1.75" (see the product photo).They are BRAND NEW, NEVER USED.
FROM THE MANUFACTURERS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION! Golf Tees: Take to the course or driving range with confidence while usinging these colorful golf tees. Durable Design: Each golf tee features a durable hardwood construction, allowing you to easily insert the tee into the ground. Golf Aid: The ultimate course and driving range tee, each wooden golf tee features a shaped head designed to encourage optimal accuracy and distance. Big Pack: 190 tees make it possible to play to your heart’s content, whether walking the course or simply visiting the driving range.
Made of wood.Each tee is about 1.75" long, and is solid.
CONDITION: brand new.