ATTENTION!We sold an earlier version of this effect called SUBCONSCIOUS SIGNAL.If you already purchased SUBCONSCIOUS SIGNAL from us, you can use that password to watch the instruction video for this one- no purchase necessary!If you need your password again, please contact us.
INSTANT ACCESS means this item is an ONLINE VIDEO INSTRUCTION.The video is available to you immediately after purchase!Since you can perform this great effect with YOUR OWN ordinary card deck, all you need is the instruction.You don't need us to ship anything to you.You save money- and you get access to the video immediately!
You are buying this instruction video ONLY- no physical item comes with this.
This one is not for everybody!An exceptional effect like this takes effort to learn, and practice to master.If you are up to the challenge- THIS ONE WILL BLOW THEM AWAY!
PETER MONTICUP SAYS:POKER FACE is an effect that I developed over the past 40 years.Many versions of the routine were tried out on my magic shop customers over the years.And my customers always begged me to teach the trick.I am really happy with the version and method you see here.The routine itself runs only a few minutes.The tutorial is nearly an hour long.I explain in great detail step-by-step how to perform this amazing effect.I give you every tip I have discovered, and I actually get you up and running with this in REAL TIME.You will also get a link to a PRINTABLE .PDF GUIDE SHEET that you will use to set up this effect.Yes, this takes some work and practice- but it is worth it!
Professional poker players know the value of a good "poker face".That's the ability to control your eyes, your facial expressions, your body movements so that you don't subconsciously telegraph your secrets to others.With POKER FACE, it's like you are able to read these signals TWICE during the effect!
This wonderful trick can be performed closeup, or even on a stage.If you perform this effect with other tricks, be sure to do this one LAST, as it is a SHOWSTOPPER!This seems completely and absolutely IMPOSSIBLE!
You'll earn DOUBLE Rewards Points when you purchase this INSTANT ACCESS item, too!Since this is an ONLINE product, our usual free trick offer does not apply if a this online product is all you are purchasing.Since this item is online only and not mailed, there is no physical package we can ship to you if this is all you order.So instead, we are giving you DOUBLE the Rewards Points on this item as your free gift!Learn more about earning Gift Certificates through the Rewards Points program here.
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