Truly startling!The Statue is REALLY gone from a REAL U.S. quarter!
In 1983, David Copperfield pulled off one of the most memorable illusions in magic history.He made the Statue of Liberty VANISH right before our eyes!Now you can perform a pocket version of this effect, incredible closeup magic that is just as memorable!
The quarter coin is a real U.S. quarter, and is a New York State quarter with an image of the Statue of Liberty on one side. With a wave of your hand, the Statue of Liberty vanishes from the coin- all that is left is a silhouette of the statue- actually CUT OUT of the coin!
This is an unexpected and totally baffling closeup illusion.They will certainly be talking about this one!
And it even comes with our exclusive BONUSES!
Perfect PenWe sell this separately for $6.99, but Peter thinks it makes the handling of this effect much easier.So we are throwing it in for you FREE!Of course, you can also use the Perfect Pen as it was intended, to perform the Pen Thru Bill trick.
Peter's ONLINE VIDEO InstructionPeter teaches you several different methods of handling this coin, from a no-skill method that he developed, to an impressive sleight of hand method.
Sticky Bandit gimmickThis is the gimmick that comes with the trick, but once you see it, you will realize that you can use if for a variety of other tricks.
This coin set is well made by Roy Kueppers, who is quickly earning a reputation as the quality coin manufacturer in the world of magic today.
How to watch the ONLINE video instructions:After purchasing this trick, you will receive the password for the video.The password will be EMAILED to you with your Order Confirmation.Once you have received the password, click on the WATCH icon located right under the demo video above.The ONLINE video page will appear.Put your password in the password box, and enjoy the video!
Make sure you don't spend the trick coin by mistake!Keep your trick coins safe and separate from other coins. Keep them in a COIN CARRIER.See the different styles of coin carriers and cases for sale here.