Wonderful magic routine to amuse the younger crowd- or any Peanut Butter and Jelly fans!
You can even choose to perform it in a few different ways!
You display two large black tubes side by side on your table.Lift one tube to show a large jar of peanut butter under it.Lift the other tube and show its "partner", a jar of jelly. Ask the audience to remember what was under the first tube- they will say the peanut butter jar. But when you lift the tube, the JELLY jar is now underneath! Lift the second tube, where the jelly originally was, and now the PEANUT BUTTER jar is there! This can be repeated as many times as you'd like- it is completely under your control!
You do the routine above, making the peanut butter jar and the jelly jar changes places several times. As a finale to the routine, you lift BOTH tubes at once, and both tubes have PEANUT BUTTER jars under them! Put the tubes back over the jars, and say "What is peanut butter without jelly?" Now lift BOTH tubes again, and both tubes have JELLY jars underneath! Put the tubes over the jars and say "But I really like to eat them both together, don't you?" Lift BOTH tubes and one has the PEANUT BUTTER jar, and the other the JELLY jar!
You do the routine above, making the peanut butter jar and the jelly jar changes places several times. As a finale to the routine, you lift the first tube and show the PEANUT BUTTER jar. But when you lift the second tube, they think they will see the jelly jar again- but NO! When you lift the tube, you reveal a REAL PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY SANDWICH!
ADDED FEATURE!This deluxe set comes with END CAPS that secure the jars into the tubes for transport!
Please note: YOU SUPPLY TWO ORDINARY JARS OF JELLY.You can use any brand that will fit- Peter used the easily-found tall jar, but you can also use the common shorter and rounder jars found in any supermarket.
Tubes are soft plastic, about 6.89" tall x 4.13" diameter.Peanut Butter jars are plastic, about 6.10" tall x 3.84" diameter.YOU SUPPLY TWO ORDINARY JARS OF JELLY.