Very clever method! No skill needed!
Start by showing the large board with slots numbered one through six.A playing card is tucked into each slot, with the faces hidden. You also show an envelope, which will be in full view at all times.The envelope contains your prediction of which card will be chosen.Let your spectator FREELY choose a card by selecting one of the numbers. ANY number!You remove that card from its slot, and tuck it into the top of the board so that it is in view also, with the face hidden.Ask your spectator if he wants to see the prediction first, or the card he chose first.It does not matter which one is revealed first!Let's say he chooses to see the card he selected.You turn that card over, and let's say it's the 7 of Diamonds.Now let your spectator open the envelope and remove the large card inside.It's your prediction, it should match his card.But it says "You Have Not Selected the Joker".What??? That's not a match!You explain- it is a match- your prediction means that he will NOT pick the joker.Well, your spectator will say that's not very impressive!BUT WAIT- there's more!Remove the other five cards from the board and turn them face up.They are ALL Jokers! And he chose the only one that was NOT a Joker!YES- THERE'S MORE!Turn the board around- and reveal a jumbo 7 of Diamonds card!
How is this possible??Well, if you can put the cards into the slots, you can do this trick!
And that's all you need!
Here is a FREE video lesson to teach you an EASY way to force a card, called the Cross Cut Force. Use this force anytime you need to control the selection of a card- it fools them every time!For this trick, you'll need to "force" a card on your spectator. In other words, you need to make it seem like he has a free choice, but really you are making him take the card that you need him to take. There are many ways to force a card, including the Cross Cut Force. We also carry several books and DVDs to teach you the different methods.