Currently sells for $65.00From the back shelves of one of our suppliers.
"New old store stock" refers to stock that has never been sold or used. This is a BRAND NEW ITEM, but one that has been packed away in a warehouse for some time.One of our major suppliers just closed, and they found a lot of "forgotten" boxes of brand new inventory on their shelves.WE BOUGHT NEARLY ALL OF IT.Basically, this is very desirable because it is in NEW condition- and you can't get it anymore!Here is your chance to pick up a great trick at a bargain price!
A routine involving up to 10 borrowed objects!
DESCRIPTION FROM THE MANUFACTURER:Bill Abbott’s Mind Control Deluxe is a routine where borrowed objects are placed in a row in front of the audience.By using the power of suggestion you coerce a randomly selected participant to choose the EXACT object that has been indelibly predicted far in advance.Keep in mind the prediction shown is in full view from the beginning and it is always 100% accurate!
Imagine: you place three objects in a row on a table.A set of keys, a credit card, and a watch.You hand a willing participant a pen and ask them to touch the object they feel most drawn to.The participant makes an ABSOULTELY FREE CHOICE of object.They can even change their mind.You then reveal an indelible prediction left in full view from the very beginning that reveals their chosen object!
Also included is Bill Abbott's advanced routines that let you increase the number of objects to seven, and even ten!
You never have to touch the objexts.You can even do this from across the room!You can carry this with you in your pocket!And your prediction will be correct every time!
So easy, you will be performing this one right out of the package!