VERY VERY RARE!Amazing condition for this vintage comedy lit cigar!.From the estate collection of a professional magician.
This metal "cigar" is made to look real from a distance.As you can see, it has a dark cigar color, a cigar label, and even cigar "ash" on one end.
Made in the 1950s, this prop was perfect for the humor of the day.Hilarity would ensue when the MC (Master of Ceremonies) of the event would repeatedly throughout the evenening, pull a LIT cigar from inside his coat pocket, puff on it (producing smoke) then PUT IT BACK inside his pocket, only to again remove it later.
The idea of the MC keeping a LIT cigar inside his pocket without burning himself up was really funny.And this metal "cigar" helped him create that illusion.The metal case has holes at one end (see photo).If the MC kept a lit cigarette inside the case, he could create smoke if he puffed on the "cigar", yet the metal case would keep the cigarette from burning him.
Needless to say, does not condone smoking, nor do we recommend using any fire or lit items in your act, for safety reasons.
What a collectible!What a conversation piece!What a crazy magic prop!
CONDITION: very good. Looks barely used.PLEASE SEE PHOTOS.Cigar is metal.About 5" long.