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Gravesites of Famous Magicians

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Some magicians are celebrated long after they are gone. The most famous grave is probably that of Harry Houdini. The huge and impressive monument at the Machpelah Cemetery in New York stands watch over the gravesites of the famous magician and his entire family (with the exception of his wife, Bess). The most interesting site is the grave of the much-loved Harry L. Collins. Harry, famous as the Frito-Lay Magician, arranged for the installation of a life-size sculpture of a magician beckoning to his visitors to visit him graveside. And many people do- the custom is to leave a fresh red carnation in the magician's outstretched hand. A nice way to be remembered!

The locations of many famous magicians' graves are not easily found. Sadly too, when they are located, many of these graves are found neglected, with overgrowth covering broken headstones. A few lucky magicians have had their graves located and restored; it is a worthy project for anyone interested in the preservation of magic history.

Grave of Harry Leon Collins

Grave of Harry Houdini

Grave of Richard Potter

Marshalltown: Riverside Cemetery
T. Nelson Downs

Louisville: Cave Hill Cemetery
Harry Leon Collins

Baltimore: Green Mount Cemetery
Johnny Eck

Albion: Riverside Cemetery
Dr. Henry Slade
Colon: Lakeside Cemetery
Don Alan
Arthur Glen Babbs "Arturo"
Bill Baird
Jack Barrows
Harry Blackstone Jr.
Harry Blackstone Sr.
John Nicholls Booth
Recil Bordner
Peter Bouton
Jerry Conklin
Shirley Conklin
Ted Coppin "Ted Banks"
Della Coppin "Sally Banks"
Ricki Dunn
Vince Fabek "Quincy the Clown"
Karrell Fox
Anne Gwynne
Jack Gwynne
Kenneth Husted "Roy Huston"
"Little Johnny" Jones
Skippy Lamore
Elaine Lund
Robert Lund
Fred R. Merrill
Hank Moorehouse
Jack Rench
Duke Stern
Marx Edward Straw
Jesse Thornton
Donald "Monk" Watson

Thanks to Al the Only, who gives the official tour of the Lakeside Cemetery during Colon's annual Magic Week, for much of the information in this section
Troy: White Chapel Cemetery
Roy Kissel
Jim Oakley

Potter Place: Potter Place Burial Ground
Richard Potter

New York City: Machpelah Cemetery
Theodore Hardeen
Harry Houdini
New York City: Woodlawn Cemetery
Black Herman (Benjamin Rucker
Adelaide Herrmann
Alexander Herrmann

Cleveland: Riverside Cemetery
Karl Germain
Columbus: Green Lawn Abbey Mausoleum
Howard Thurston

Paris: Cimetière du Père Lachaise
E.G. Robertson

London, England: Golders Green Crematorium
Robert Harbin
London, England: Highgate Cemetery
Colonel Stodare

Edinburgh: Piersfield Cemetery

Percy Abbott
Doug Henning