Color reproductions of FOUR different antique magic posters!
The Märkisches Museum in Berlin presents a variety of objects on the culture and history of Berlin. The museum produced this series of magic poster reproductions to sell in their gift shop.
Looking for something to decorate your magic room?These mini color poster reproductions look amazing when framed!
This set includes the following poster postcards:
CANDARO - 1925"Det Osarbara Mediumet" (The Osarbara Medium)"Eller Den Mysteriosa Farnigen" (Or The Mysterious Man From Switzerland)"Nutidens Storsta Sensation" (Today's Biggest Sensation)Caption on the reverse "zeigte die degen-kiste", meaning "performed the sword box"
ZENON AND LUISA SIMENS - 1912Caption on the reverse (translated from German): "Illusionists, traveled to Russia as Americans, showed demonstrations of Egyptian and Tibetan wonders and secrets"
CAGLIOSTRO BELLACHINI - 1890Lucas Strack-Bellachini (Richard Heufel (1873 - 1953), German illusionist whose stage name combined the legendary "Caglistro" and "The Great Bellachini". He is most remembered through his posters, like this one, which called his show Ein grosses ereignis um stundenweit zu wandern" (A big even to last for hours), "Was Cagliostro Bellcahini in seiner Reclame verspricht, des half er auch" (What Cagliostro Bellachini advertises, he delivers), and "Cagliostro Bellachini, grosster Zauberkunstler der Weelt, Ohne Konkurrens" (Cagliostro Bellachini, Greatest Magician in the World, without competition.Caption on the revers (translated from German): "Illusionist, traveled around the world with an extensive show"
NELSON LE FOLLETT - 1908Nelson Le Follet, stage name of Bartolomeo Viganego, also known as Enrico or Enrichetto (1859 - 1943), was an Italian illusionist, impersonator and acrobat. He was noted for being among the first performers (1899) to use the projectors invented by the Lumiere brothers.Caption on the reverse (translated from German): "Magical comic pantomime. This devil's revue caused quite a stir in variety theaters around the turn of the century"
Postcards are unused.Size is about 5.75" x 4".Printed in color on heavyweight paper.