Learn New Magic Routines

Breathe new life into your magic tricks!
Or have a trick you'd like to perform, but you don't know what to say, or how to present it?
Get new ideas with these videos!

Confetti Bucket and Lota Vase Routine

Confetti Bucket and Lota Vase

See what happens when you combine the Lota Vase and the Confetti Bucket into one funny fast-paced routine!

DLites Routine


Have fun with a friend and a pair of D'Lites!

Linking Rings Routine

Linking Rings

The Linking Rings is a classic of magic and a real audience favorite.
Get the most out of your set of rings!

Foo Can Routine

Foo Can

Just what does a Foo Can do?? It makes your audience laugh and join in the fun!

14 Of Spades Routine

14 Of Spades Card

You have a 14 of Spades Card - now what can you do with it?

3 1/2 Of Clubs Routine

3 1/2 Of Clubs Card

And you have a 3 1/2 of Clubs Card - what routine can you do with that?