Looking for a VERY EASY way to make an item like a coin or ring VANISH so you can have it reappear elsewhere?THIS IS YOUR ANSWER!
Place a coin, a ring, or any small object in the box. Shake the box- the object can be heard rattling inside. At any time- even in mid-rattle!- the object can be made to vanish from the box. The box is opened and it is really empty! Then you can simply produce THE SAME RING OR COIN elsewhere!
Beautifully made of solid wood, this large rattle box is the perfect magic item to use with another magic item, like the Double Locked Box or the Quarter Go Box!
This is a large size rattle box.It measures about 4.5" long, 2.75" wide and 1.75" high.
You supply the item to be vanished.
For a nice routine, produce the item again using the Spellbinding Boxes (for a coin) or the Quarter Go Box (for a small object like a ring).