THE BASIC EFFECT AS DESCRIBED BY THE MANUFACTURER: The magician or mentalist gives a padlock and several individual keys to a committee of spectators for examination.The spectators are asked to try to open the padlock with each of the keys.Though each key does fit the padlock, none of the keys open it.The magician then presents a identical key that DOES open the lock.The spectators can use the key themselves to open the padlock.The open padlock is then passed through an opening such as someone's buttonhole, or the hasp on the lock of a box, etc. The padlock is securely snapped shut.All of the keys (the non-working keys plus the key that opened the lock) are mixed together and then each is placed in a separate envelope.The magician stands far away from the committee as they do this.In fact, he needs never again touch the keys, the padlock or the envelopes.Yet, when the committee holds up each of the envelopes, the magician is able to correctly declare which envelope holds the key that opens the padlock!The spectators can themselves tear open the envelope, remove the key, and try it in the padlock- it WILL open the lock!
PETER MONTICUP SAYS:This is one of those mentalism effects that benefit greatly by the performer's routine and presentation.I like this effect because it is foolproof, and the routine is BIG- you can use a number of people in it, it takes about 15 minutes to perform, and it can be appreciated by a large audience.This one was a reputation maker for me- I have used mine in my shows for over 40 years!IT IS, WITHOUT A DOUBT, THE BEST MENTALISM ROUTINE I HAVE EVER PERFORMED.Over the years, countless customers have asked if I could get them a KEY-R-RECT. This particular trick is exceptionally hard to find- everybody always hangs on to theirs!So if you've always wanted one- HERE YOU GO- and there's only ONE AVAILABLE!
CONDITION: looks barely used.The larger key ring is missing (but it has nothing to do with the working of the trick)YOU WILL GET THE EXACT ITEMS YOU SEE IN THE PHOTO.