HELLO 2022!
What a way to start the new year!
Socked with 14 inches of snow and a 24-hour power outage, MagicTricks.com is back!
We will be shipping as quickly as we can.
Please know that our warehouse (and house) are at the end of a 1,000 foot driveway that is not passable by car yet.
You'd think we could just ABRACADABRA and make the snow vanish!
The storm started in the early hours of January 3 (yesterday), with huge globs of snow falling from the sky.
For hours and hours.
By the time the snow stopped in midafternoon, we saw 14 inches of the heavy wet stuff.
The snow was so heavy that it easily took down power lines, crushed most of our 75-year-old boxwoods, ripped branches off every tree on the property, and totally blocked both our driveway and Columbia Road.
The power went out at 10 am, and that included the heat.
The day was cloudy and cold, so the heavy snow didn't really melt much.
When the sun went down, we had to get out the kerosene lamps and the generator.
It was like pioneer days. :-)
A neighbor came to check on us at 7 pm, and he took our gas can to get us more gas for the generator.
There was one station open, and the line was FOUR HOURS long!
When he returned, we lent him our second generator to bring to someone who didn't have one.
And then we hunkered down with our four pups under plenty of blankets.
The temperature got down to the 40s inside the house- brrrrrrr!
We got a pleasant surprise when our power was restored at 10am this morning.
We have a fabulous electric company who is working feverishly to fix the power for its rural customers like us.
It seems impossible that they would be able to get to the downed lines out in the country, but they do it.
So with the power restored, we checked the computers and all was well, except for the one secondary order processing computer, which we can find a way to do without until it is repaired.
This morning Peter spent a few hours trying to get the downed branches moved to the side of the driveway in case of emergency.
We will definitely need some help in cleaning up this mess.
Peter took his phone to film a trip down the driveway so you could see this sight!
And yes, that's Dirk you see plowing his driveway across the road at the end of the video!
Hey Jackie and Peter and even toss a shout out to Dirk (kinda feels like I know him too...) Glad to hear that everyone is 'weathering' the snowfall and associated cold. So much damage to the trees...unfortunate. But, really happy to hear that you're safe/sound, the power is back on, and hope that you're all 'warm and toasty'. As for Mother Natures insistence on re-experiencing 'Pioneer Days', I think that we would all prefer not to at this point in time. Warmest regards, Marty
Joe Attanasio
Peter, It goes without saying really that the most important thing is that you and Jackie are unharmed and now okay. I began to suspect that something was wrong when it became obvious that the newsletter was late arriving in my email inbox; I eagerly await its arrival every Tuesday afternoon. It didn't dawn on me that your area was in the middle of the storm. Duh! I should have realized. I live in Montclair NJ and we didn't get even a flurry. I trust that things will get slowly get back to normal for you. Just be careful when cleaning things up; let young people do the heavy lifting. Joe
Lou Conti
Alls well that ends well. Really glad you and wife, pups, and the neighbors are safe. We don't get snow here in sunny south Florida but we run if we get a hurricane warning. Have a Happy and prosperous 2022.
Mr. G.
Dear Jackie & Peter, So sorry to read and SEE what you are going through... Glad you are all okay and able to communicate. My best to your pups and of course, Dirk and his family. Glad you at least have a tractor and generator to help with recovery. Fantastic power company to get the rural areas powered up!!! Hope the rest of 2022 is positive and rewarding for you all. My prayers and best wishes go to all affected by the freak storm. I surmise this kind of snow is not normal for your area. May you both stay healthy, safe and warm throughout this ordeal and beyond. Please keep all your fans abridged of your progress... Hopefully your home was not affected by any large trees!! All my best, Gary
David Hall
Peter and crew, sorry to see all the tree damage. WOW what a storm!! I'm here in Michigan and we didn't get that much snow (3-4 inches) Glad all is up and going again. I'm sure this is just a taste of what our winter weather is to come. Stay safe! Magically yours Dave
Wayne A. Lundeberg
Hello Jackie and Peter - Thanks for posting this and so sorry that 2022 has started this way. Great to know that neighbors helping neighbors is still occurring. Take your time getting things back together! Let me know when you get tired of the snow, we have lots of room for you in Arizona. Take care and Happy New Year.
Darlene Y Redmond
So sorry for the storm that hit you. The video told the story, and we know how bad storms can be. Our winters here in NY can be the same way. So far this year we are getting mostly rain and sleet so far. You have good neighbors, so nice of them to check on you. I hope you get the help you need cleaning up those trees. It can be an ordeal. Glad there was no injuries to you and your family.
Karl Mount
WOW GOD bless you guys and lady. Have to go back to work.Thanks for the video.
John Carpenter
Wow! glad that you are okay.
Mike Minakawa
Global warming ? Glad all of you are safe after riding the snowstorm. In Hawaii we had several days of deluge rain but no major damage over the islands. They had to breakout the snowplow up on Mauna Kea, where we have several planetary observatories. Yes, we do have snow here also.
Shawn Allen
Glad you guys are all OK. Happy New Year.