The "magician in trouble" storyline makes for a very entertaining routine!
Here is how it goes: Your spectator chooses a card, and you pretend to have trouble naming the chosen card. Apparently, the magician is in trouble!That's ok- you have an "Insurance Policy" that covers you for just such a problem.
Reveal #1:After naming the wrong card, you open the policy to show the "2nd Chance Clause".The page is covered in fine print, which is actually a very wordy and hilarious nonsense description of "fine print".You can get a few minutes of comedy just by reading all that fine print aloud!
Reveal #2:Assure your spectator you can definitely name the card now.Open the next section of the policy, which states that the card is either Red or Black.Well, of COURSE it is!
Reveal #3:Insist to your spectator that you can DEFINITELY name the card now.Without a doubt, you will now reveal a picture of the chosen card.Open the next section of the policy, which shows an image of ALL 52 CARDS!Is the chosen card shown on the page?Well, of COURSE it is!
Reveal #4:Finally, pretend to notice that the insurance policy can be folded out larger."Wait a minute", you say. "Is THIS your card??"Open the paper fully to reveal their chosen card- a giant KING OF HEARTS!
Perfect for audience participation from stage!It's a large size (18" x 24" when opened) so you can perform this great trick no matter how large or small your audience may be.
The policy is printed on heavy-duty paper, so it is are built to last a LONG time, even with frequent repeated use.Yes, the policy is reusable!
This trick requires that you know how to force the King of Hearts.You can choose to purchase a One Way Force Deck that is all King of Hearts cards when you buy this Insturance Policy trick above.Whatever card your spectator selects will be the King of Hearts!We have also made a FREE short instruction video below, to teach you an easy way to force a card.Grab a deck of cards and you'll be set to go!
You supply an ordinary card deck (if you know how to force a card) or you supply a special force deck, like the One Way King of Hearts Force deck you can purchase from us.
Here is a FREE video lesson to teach you an EASY way to force a card, called the Cross Cut Force. Use this force anytime you need to control the selection of a card.It's VERY SIMPLE but it fools them every time!For this trick, you'll need to "force" a card on your spectator.In other words, you need to make it seem like he has a free choice, but really you are making him take the King Of Hearts. There are many ways to force a card, including this Cross Cut Force. We also carry several books and DVDs to teach you the different methods.
George McAthy introduced the concept for this trick.
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