A very clever method lets you INSTANTLY KNOW the total sum on the cards chosen!Can be done as either a closeup effect or a stage trick!Also perfect for teachers- this is math made FUN!
The MATH-E-MAGICIAN Effect: You display the five plastic cards, with different numbers printed on the red or the yellow side. The cards are handed to your spectator, who can FREELY do all the handling from here on out. You turn your back so you cannot see what the spectator is doing. The spectator can choose either the red or the yellow side of EACH of the cards. He places each card in the stand, side by side, with the black band of the stand hiding the numbers from view. When he is finished, you turn around, and INSTANTLY call out the total of the numbers on the cards facing the audience. Your spectator can remove the cards, one by one, and along with the audience, can add the numbers. And they discover that YOU ARE CORRECT!
The PREDICTION Effect:You can also deliver the effect as a prediction. After the spectator has placed the cards in the stand, with the numbers hidden from view, you can turn around and "read your spectator's thoughts". You write down your prediction of the total. When the spectator reveals the chosen cards and they are added up, your prediction is correct!
This trick can be immediately repeated, with different cards chosen thus giving you a different total!
And that's all you need!