Tell your spectator that you want to test his memory. Show four Queens and place them one at a time, face down, on the table, naming the Queens out loud as you do. Now ask your spectator to try and find the Queen of Hearts. No matter which card he chooses- he is wrong!ALL the Queens have turned into Fives!
This effect uses a clever gimmick that is so easy to handle, you'll be able to perform it within minutes!
AND THIS ONE COMES WITH A BONUS VIDEO!See exactly how Monticup handles the cards and shows you his easy techniques for making sure this works smoothly every time!
And that's all you need!
How to watch the ONLINE video instructions:After purchasing this trick, you will receive the password for the video.The password will be EMAILED to you with your Order Confirmation.Once you have received the password, click on the WATCH icon located right under the demo video above.The ONLINE video page will appear.Put your password in the password box, and enjoy the video!