WAREHOUSE FIND!WAREHOUSE FIND items are new tricks that our suppliers have found tucked away in their warehouses.They are BRAND NEW, but the last remaining few were forgotten in storage.Many times they are tricks that are off the market now, and hard to find.When our suppliers find these treasures, we buy them all up and offer them to you at great prices.THESE WAREHOUSE FINDS ARE ONLY AVAILABLE AT MAGICTRICKS.COM!
These are BRAND NEW with original instructions.Long off the market in this original style!
The DOUBLE X PEN is the original!Since this came out in the 1970s, there have been many imitators.But the original is still the best.Made from a familiar looking real Bic pen, this is a fast and fun effect.
Place a penny on the back of the spectator's hand.Tap the penny with the Bic pen.Instantly the penny has turned into a DIME!
And this one comes with our exclusive online video instruction!Peter Monticup shows you his easy technique for handling this pen.You'll be performing this in minutes!
You will need to supply a real dime.
How to watch the ONLINE video instructions:After purchasing this trick, you will receive the password for the video.The password will be EMAILED to you with your Order Confirmation.Once you have received the password, click on the WATCH icon located right under the demo video above.The ONLINE video page will appear.Put your password in the password box, and enjoy the video!