Hard to find FEATHER FLOWER bouquet!And we show you how to make it exactly fit your needs!
Great for a crowd- a theatrical production, a classroom, a party, a talent show!
Production flowers add so much to your show!They are colorful, and they take no skill to use.
We were very happy to find these terrific FEATHER FLOWER bouquets.Feather flowers are very compressible and have a great ability to spring back to full size.After examining these flowers, Peter realized that they are constructed in a way that makes it easy to customize them.And you'll get his ONLINE INSTRUCTION video that shows you how to do it, step-by-step!
USE THE BOUQUET JUST AS IT COMESEach bouquet is great as-is!The bouquet is made of multi-colors of feather flowers, on a feather-covered metal stem.There is a ring on the end of the stem, making it very easy to pull from your sleeve.
ADJUST THE FULLNESS OF THE BOUQUETWith Peter's simple technique, you can permanently adjust the position of each flower bloom.This can make the bouquet look fuller and more dramatic.
COMBINE BOUQUETS WITHOUT ADDING BULKPeter will show you how to fill out the flower part without adding bulk to the stem end. This will allow you to make a larger sleeve bouquet that still pulls smoothly from your sleeve.
You will need ordinary green florist tape, available at craft stores or Walmart.
This video was filmed in 2020, which is why we are wearing the protective face shields!Happily, shields are no longer a requirement, and we plan to film the demo over again without them.We like this demo so much, though, that we are leaving it "as is" for now. Hope you enjoy it!
Of course, you can also use the flowers as they are, to decorate your stage and make the atmosphere more "magical".
Feather flowers like these are made from REAL turkey feathers, dyed and tied into flower shapes.With a bit of care, these feather flowers will easily last for many years of use.