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Every so often, we send a coupon-packed email to our newsletter subscribers. The newsletters include deep discounts on specific tricks, general percent-off discounts on your entire order, free products and/or limited quantity deals. Of course, the newsletter is also filled with interesting stories about the world of magic, magic history and magicians.
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Okay! Since you've read down this far, how about a coupon for a free Fortune Telling Miracle Fish? Enter code NOWPLEASE in the coupon box in your shopping cart, and we'll include a Fortune Telling Fish with your order. But remember to complete the order process- it's the only way to get your free Fish!

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Some of our tricks come with a bonus you won't get anywhere else!
We've made EXCLUSIVE videos to go along with some of the effects. Peter Monticup will teach you EXACTLY how he sets up certain tricks, or how he performs them. You are welcome to learn his routines and use them as your own!
Some of the effects may come with BONUS items that we include at no extra charge- items like scarves that you need to do the trick, but that are not normally included. WE INCLUDE WHAT YOU NEED!