Checkout and Login Help

PAYMENT MUST BE U.S. ONLY - no payments using cards or PayPal from outside the U.S.


Error: You are located OUTSIDE the U.S. and you are having trouble with payment.

That is because we DO NOT ACCEPT payment from accounts located ouside the U.S.

Error: PayPal is giving an error message and you are located INSIDE the U.S.

Tech support is working on this issue.
It is a conflict between Paypal checkout and certain browsers.

  • Solution #1: Try placing the order using a different browser or device. You can also try clearing your browser's cache.
  • Solution #2: Pay with a credit or debit card.
  • Ultimate Solution: CONTACT US and we can manually process your order for you
    We monitor our customer emails frequently, even over weekends, on holidays, and from 9 am to 10 pm every day.
    After contacting us, PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER if you have not heard back from us in a few hours.

Error: You are having trouble with login and/or with resetting your password.

This is a known issue that is currently being resolved.

  • Solution #1: Try login using a different device.
  • Solution #2: Clear your browser's cache.
  • Solution #3: Place your order as a guest. You can still complete your order without logging in, by manually entering your information at checkout.
  • Ultimate Solution: CONTACT US and we can manually process your order for you
    We monitor our customer emails frequently, even over weekends, on holidays, and from 9 am to 10 pm every day.
    After contacting us, PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER if you have not heard back from us in a few hours.

Error: Your credit card or debit card transaction is declined and you are in the U.S.

This means the credit card processor has rejected your payment.
Some card companies place a temporary "hold" on the transaction amount WHENEVER you try to use your card.
Even if the transaction was declined, some card statements show a deduction until the "hold" is cleared.
CALL THE 1-800 CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER ON THE BACK OF YOUR CARD and they will explain where your money is, and when they will put it back in your account.
Your card company still has your money on "hold", and will release it back to you shortly.

  • Solution #1: Try a different card.
  • Solution #2: Pay with PayPal.
  • Ultimate Solution: CONTACT US and we can manually process your order for you
    We monitor our customer emails frequently, even over weekends, on holidays, and from 9 am to 10 pm every day.
    After contacting us, PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER if you have not heard back from us in a few hours.

Error message: "Your checkout information has changed. Please review your shipping options and try again."

THIS IS AN ISSUE WITH YOUR DEVICE. It is related to the way YOUR device is communicating with our server.
The cause could be a recent update of your device, or ad blockers or other add-ons that are blocking the secure communication with our server.
The good news is it can be easily fixed.

  • Solution #1: Try reloading the checkout page
  • Solution #2: Try logging out and logging back in
  • Solution #3: Try clicking the "reload" circle next to the Shipping Cost section
  • Solution #4: Try clearing your browser's cache on your device.
  • Ultimate Solution: CONTACT US and we can manually process your order for you
    We monitor our customer emails frequently, even over weekends, on holidays, and from 9 am to 10 pm every day.
    After contacting us, PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER if you have not heard back from us in a few hours.

Error: The SUBMIT ORDER button does not work.

You should get a THANK YOU page after you click the Submit Order button.
If the page simply refreshes, and you are still on the Checkout page, the order was not submitted.

  • Solution #1: Try reloading the page, then click SUBMIT ORDER again
    You will not be submitting two orders, don't worry.
  • Solution #2: If you are located OUTSIDE the U.S., or are trying to use a payment using a non-U.S. credit card or non-U.S. Paypal, you will NOT be able to complete your order.
    Sorry- we accept payment from and ship to U.S. addresses only.
  • Ultimate Solution: CONTACT US and we can manually process your order for you
    We monitor our customer emails frequently, even over weekends, on holidays, and from 9 am to 10 pm every day.
    After contacting us, PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER if you have not heard back from us in a few hours.

Error: Your THANK YOU page asks you to send payment for your order.

This means that you chose the option "Pay by check or money order" as your payment option when you submitted your order instead of choosing "Pay With Credit Card" or "Paypal".
If you chose this by mistake, and intended to pay by credit/debit card or PayPal, no problem.
Simply place your order again and this time chose Credit/Debit or PayPal, and submit payment.
There is no need to cancel the first order. It will automatically cancel when payment is not received.