VERY RARE!And obtained directly from the estate magic collection of Robert Kirkwood Spencer!
Magician and author Robert Kirkwood Spencer wrote a definitive biography and compendium of favorite Hen Fetsch effects titled FETSCHING MAGIC. Hen Fetsch (1912-1961), a boyhood friend of Milbourne Christopher, was a prolific inventor of magic. He also published books as Maryland Magic Studio. Fetsch created numerous tricks including Silk Epic, Rope Epic and Mental Epic. He also invented many magic effect with his partner Gene Gordon. He was located in Baltimore, Maryland, not too great a distance from his friend, Virginia native Bob Spencer. Yogi Magic Mart, operated by the legendary Phil Thomas in downtown Baltimore, was the manufacturer of this effect.
DESCRIPTION FROM THE MANUFACTURER: EFFECT: A deck of cards, cut into four quarters, is shown. One quarter of the deck is fanned and offered face down for selection of one piece. All of the quartered cards (the entire deck - except the selected piece) are thoroughly mixed in a transparent bag from which the performer removes three pieces. These pieces, when fitted with the selected piece, form a single card! They all belong together!
There is noticeable wear and age to this one, especially the instructions.It probably functions well, but we are offering this more as a collector's item.
See more PREOWNED and COLLECTIBLE tricks!
CONDITION: vintage and old, this definitely shows some wear.Offered mainly as a collector's item.Please look at the photos.YOU WILL GET THE EXACT ITEMS YOU SEE IN THE PHOTOS.