You already have a Mental Photography Deck, and you've mastered the basic routine.You know how it goes:Show a deck of cards that are blank on both sides. At your command, one card's face appears, but its back is still blank. You magically "print" the back of the card, and replace it in the deck. Suddenly, ALL the cards now have printed faces and backs!
But NOW what??
Learn 25 tricks for the Mental Photo Deck! This excellent booklet gives you instructions in clear detail, plus lots of ideas for getting the most out of your wonderful trick deck. In this book you will learn the basic routine as well as other tricks using different cards from the pack. Includes:
You will need a MENTAL PHOTOGRAPHY DECK to do the tricks in this booklet.A Mental Photo deck is NOT included, but please see the decks available from
Softbound booklet.BOOKLET ONLY. You supply your own Mental Photography deck.