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Ali Bongo

British Comedy Magician

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Ali Bongo
  • 1920-2009
  • Real Name: William Oliver Wallace
  • Birthday: December 8
  • Birthplace: England
  • Buried: ?

Comedy magician and author Ali Bongo was raised in England, where he worked at a number of London magic shops before launching his career with his "Shriek of Araby" act. He received numerous awards from the magic fraternity, and was an advisor to Paul Daniels' magic TV program in the 1980s.

He was also a gifted artist, drawing the illustrations for a number of magic catalogs.

His famous catchphrases included "Uju Buju Suck Another Juju" and "Hocus Pocus Fishbones Chokus".

Ali Bongo was a direct descendant and namesake of William Wallace, the 13th century Scottish leader portrayed by Mel Gibson in the movie Braveheart.

Credit: This biography originated on Please credit this source if you use this information.